Concluding Our Very Last Blog – 28th of November 2014

And So We Face the Final Curtain…

We would love to pass this task onto someone else, but alas, we knew this day would come eventually; saying goodbye is always a hard one! . Collectively, we would all like to thank you for tuning in on a regular basis! Your clicked mouses and scrolled track-pads constantly checking in with us over the past two months is an act which has made us all very happy. The process of blogging was a new and unfamiliar territory for most of us but now an experience we will never forget!

We have thoroughly enjoyed creating these various posts over the last few weeks. We ourselves, along with you, have explored cities such as London, Boston, Montrèal and Paris (only some to mention). By delving into their inner workings, architecture and daily functions; we have discovered the true importance of the past and how it really does shape the future! As geographers conducting our research for these posts allowed us to explore the cities of the past and fully comprehend that such cities have laid the base foundations which the modern global cities, we all know today, are built upon.

As some of you may already know, we have added a new section to our blog where you can download all of our posts in an ePub format; as the blog has come to a close why not download them  as a token to remember us by!

For now, from all of us here at Drawing From The Archives,

One last time,

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, good night !

Aoife, Jennifer, Donna, Katie O’, Katie M. & Pierre.

Concluding This Week’s Blog Posts – 7th of November 2014

Well That’s a Wrap Folks!

Thank you all once again for tuning into this week’s installment of posts! We hope you all enjoyed taking some time out to explore some examples of cities of the past with us this week.

As urban geographers, we love exploring cities; both in their past and present forms, this week we explored six individual case study cities; through our looking glass of digitalized photographs. Exploring the past is an exciting prospect for most but exploring the experiences and practices of the cities of the 19th and 20th centuries was an opportunity that we could not miss out on! We hope you enjoyed reading these blog as much as we had creating them!

If you have any questions do not hesitate to drop us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can!

Again, if you like what you see, click on this link to our twitter page where we promise to let you all know what is happening with us and the blog through our regular updates, and we even provide the possibility of learning something new from our #DidYouKnow tweets!

Lastly, we have added a new section to our blog where you can download our posts in an ePub format; please check these out for reading on the go.

Until we click again,

Aoife, Katie O, Jennifer, Donna, Katie M & Pierre

We love hearing back from our readers; be it through comments or your emails. Receiving feedback really does make our day so we’ve decided to include a weekly poll too!  Any feedback you have don’t be afraid to let us know!


Until next time…

Thank you all so much for taking the time to peruse the very first in a series of three blogs we’ll be posting over the next few weeks for our final year Geography module, Historical Geographies of the City. We hope that you found our posts on London, Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Stockholm and Edinburgh engaging and provocative and whet your appetite for what’s to come.

As always, we would appreciate any feedback/questions on any of the work published, so please don’t hesitate clicking on that comment button below as it sure would brighten our day! Or even drop by and tell us which one you found most captivating and why!

If you like what you see, stay tuned over on our twitter page to receive regular updates on what we’re doing/to be generally entertained!

Until next time, folks,
So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, good night!

Jennifer, Aoife, Donna, Katie O’, Katie M. & Pierre.