Jennifer Egan


Jennifer Egan (19) Geography and French


My name is Jennifer Egan and I am 19-years-old! I am from the picturesque, heritage town of Kenmare in the south-west of Ireland. This time next year, I hope to be a BA French & Geography graduate of UCC and a student of NUIG in their new MSc in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (one can dream, right?).

My primary geographical interests lie with Urban Studies, Environment & Sustainability and Food! I’ve been involved with the Green Schools initiative since I was 9-years-old and have earned a few awards for my individual involvement along the way. This definitely sparked my initial love for Geography, which hasn’t been quenched since.

My obsession with photography and my Nikon camera has also aided in much of my Geographical studies so, who knows, keep an eye on National Geographic in years to come…Unlike some of the others, this is my very first blogging endeavour , which for the not-very-tech-savvy folk such as I, is a slightly daunting task! However I hope you enjoy your perusal of our upcoming blogs as much as we’ll enjoy writing them!


 If you’d like to get in contact, please feel free to email me at

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