Download the ePub


Well Hello Again

We’ve decided to make our blog even more accessible for all of our readers. Hurray! We know that there may be times when you are without access to the internet so we’ve made it so  that you can download our blog posts as an ePub. As you all know, we are geographers, not computer scientists, so if something goes wrong 1) we are very sorry and 2) we will try and fix it as soon as possible just email; and we will get back to you! Before we leave, we must relay some terms and conditions, the catch is you will need either a device with e-reading capabilities to view the e-Pub or else a laptop capable of downloading apps!

Happy reading folks!

Aoife, Katie O, Katie M, Pierre, Jennifer and Donna

P.S. Our last series of blog posts will be posted on the 28th of November, come December we plan to incorporate each one of the eighteen blog posts into one comprehensive downloadable ePub ! We thought this would be a great idea for those of you missing our blog updates as they will be available in bulk; the final product of all our hard work.

(Come December check in on Twitter for the final release date)

Watch this space!

Blog 1 – Published on WordPress on the 17th of October 2014.






Blog 2 – Published on WordPress on the 7th of November 2014.


Saint Petersburg.



 New York .

Blog 3 – Published on WordPress on the 27th and 28th of November 2014





One thought on “Download the ePub

  1. Pingback: CORK AND ITS MARKETS – JENNIFER EGAN | Drawing From The Archives

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